AoC# 2024 - Day 18: RAM Run
It’s Advent of Code time 🎄
Advent of Code is an Advent calendar of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels that can be solved in any programming language you like.
Day 18 is a return to previous form - two stars again!
Part 1 ⭐️
For solving the shortest path I chose the A* algorithm and implemented it from the psuedocode, which worked first time 🙂
Part 2 ⭐️
After a quick peek at the input data, some 3,450 coordinates, minus the starting position of 1,024 would mean running Part 1 a maximum of 2,426 times to find the answer if we brute forced it1…
Before trying that though, I thought about doing a flood fill from the end location and all bytes dropped (i.e. the full input) - if the fill doesn’t contain the start then work backwards through the input, removing a byte and restarting the flood fill from the removed byte until the start is included: the last removed byte would be the answer.
However, the brute force was worth a go as the changes needed were small; passing through the number of bytes to drop into the maze to Part 1, and Part 2 was a simple loop:
public string Part2()
// can we brute force Part1 (didn't work yesterday!)
// edit: works today!
for (int i = _byteLocations.Count - 1; i >= _bytes; i--)
var result = Part1(i);
if (result != string.Empty)
return $"{_byteLocations[i].X},{_byteLocations[i].Y}";
return string.Empty;
It finished in 2.2 seconds 🤓
Yes, I’m well aware of yesterday’s comment and failure, but Part 1 finished in 200ms, so it would take at most about ~8min to compute all permutations. ↩